


 So, I got married in 2014, divorced my first marriage in the year 2016, got married again with the love of my life Rakinah Bte Abd Rahman years after.

My wife and I had son named Syukran Bin Syairazi. We're having another son on the way.

I still love her, and I miss my son.

Syukran's Razikynn

I don't know how to say this, but my life is ALWAYS FOREVER ENDEAVORS 

gett it?

But yeah, I might or might not blog about how my life have gone along the years of being an entrepreneur.

Here's the thing I've learned from Mighty Car Mods dudes (Moog & Martin), don't give a damn about the comments of those who complains and never knowings cause they're all annoying, PLUS they will never learn anything..

Why do I say that? Cause believe me I am continuously learning, atleast I know my self that I am cause I have been from a Sinner to a person who believes in Allah. I have been learning a lot that I can't believe I am who I am right now. You know what else? I've had my best adventures being on top as an entrepreneur, a business partner, venture capitals to SMEs and the lowest I've been was fishmonger's peasant in 2020.

Just check out my youtube account for more of my life transitions since my last post of 2016:-

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